Monday, October 08, 2007

Another rant

From Driftglass - go read the whole thing, it's beautiful...

...With an unbroken record about being completely wrong about every fucking thing, at this point -- if we were dealing with sane human persons -- owning up to being a Republican should be as filthy and shameful a thing as being caught abusing puppies.

With doves.

In a church.

On Easter Sunday.

But it isn’t.

Millions of Americans still wake up every day button-poppin’ proud that George W. Bush is their Preznit and Chief-Christian-In-Charge, and fatback-on-a-hot-stove sizzlin’ mad that Evil Liberal(s) are still allowed to walk abroad in the daylight, plotting and scheming to destroy their beloved Jebusland.

Because the ugly truth is simply that the problem with the Republican Party is not George Bush, or Dick Cheney or Doug Feith or Rush Limbaugh or Pat Robertson: the problem with the Republican Party is Republicans.

The ugly truth is, Keith, that whether or not we’ll be able to weather the storms that are to come depends in large measure on how much longer the GOP base is allowed to control any significant part of our media, our politics or our faith.

I don’t know how much longer we can last until someone swings their camera around, points it at them and says: "You are the problem. You are a cancer on this good land, and whoever stands with you, votes with you or sides with you is unfit to call themselves good American(s)..."


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